Abstract submission is closed.
- Acceptance will be based on the relevance to the sessions of the Conference.
- The Book of extended abstracts will be available as a part of the Conference package or available online.
- The extended abstract shall follow a scientific paper's structure, containing the following sections: Introduction, Material and Method, Results, Discussion and References.
- Citations should follow the Elsevier Harvard style (author, date).
- For technical reasons, it is not possible to insert tables, graphs or figures into the abstract.
- The abstract should not exceed 2000 words.
- Font: Verdana 10p., single spacing
- For submission please use the form.
- Book: (Mantau et al., 2001)
- Papers: (Sekot et al., 2010; Toscani and Sekot, 2015)
- Website: (IUFRO, 2015)
- Legal text: (EU, 2008) References UNDP, 2016. United Nations Development Programme – Human Development Reports. [WWW Document]. URL http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/HDI/ (accessed 02.22.18). UNDP, 2016. Regulation (EC) No 451/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 establishing a new statistical classification of products by activity (CPA) and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 3696/93, L145/65. IUFRO, 2015.
- IUFRO: IUFRO – The World's Network of Forest Science [WWW Document]. URL http://www.iufro.org/ (accessed 10.22.15).